Policies, Constitution, and By-Laws​

The College of New Caledonia Students’ Union runs on a set collection of policies, constitutions and by-laws voted in by the student body and Board of Directors. You can find the policies here:

The College of New Caledonia Students’ Union:

The Confluence:

Representative Elections​

During certain parts of the school year, the College of New Caledonia Students’ Union holds its’ annual student representative election. The primary election is held midway through the Spring semester and is dictated by the votes of the student body. Any students looking to run for their program go through the student union to make their running official. Afterward, the students’ union selects two days in which students will vote for the representative they feel best represents them.

Elected representatives are the governing body for decision-making in the students’ union. They collaborate with the staff of the union, and other elected representatives through the British Columbia Federation of Students.

The current union representatives are as follows:​

  • Community and Continuing Education Representative: Daniel Voo
  • Human Services Representative: Holiness Ozumba
  • University Studies Representative: Gurtej Singh
  • Women Students’ Representative: Geetanjali
  • Indigenous Students’ Representative: Darien Davis
  • Pride Students’ Representative: Varun Kumar
  • Upgrading and Access Representative: Michael Morgan
  • Quesnel Representative: Merrill Ringwood
  • Business and Management Representative: #Vacant
  • Trades Programs Representative: #Vacant
  • Health Sciences Representative: #Vacant

The current CNCSU Portfolio Positions are as follows:​

Chairperson: Gurtej Singh

Treasurer: Michael Morgan

Federation Representative: Holiness Ozumba

The British Columbia Federation of Students (BCFS)​

The College of New Caledonia Students’ Union is a part of the BCFS and is Local 4 among the other students’ unions. Our role in the BCFS is to help influence and push the focus of the BCFS and other students’ unions across British Columbia. Representatives from all students’ unions apart of the BCFS meet bi-annually at a specified location in British Columbia to meet and share ideas and goals.

From the BCFS website:

In 1975, students across British Columbia saw the need to work together with a single, united movement in order to be an effective force for provincial and national change. Today, the Federation brings together over one hundred and thirty thousand students from thirteen university and college students’ unions across British Columbia.

The Federation provides a venue for students to effectively communicate, collaborate, organize, and mobilize to advocate collective interests locally, provincially, and nationally. The Federation also provides valuable services for individual members and member local students’ unions.

All positive changes to public education in the last century have come from people working together to fight for something better. When it comes to building better communities and better public services, we are stronger when we work together than when we are working alone. Governments—both provincial and federal—are often reluctant to implement policies that benefit students and their families. A chorus of voices calling for a common goal is a powerful tool to bring about change. Working together through the Federation gives students across BC a united voice and influence on public policy.