The world will be a better place if things are as simple as we perceive, colorful, bright, and happening. Well, Pride is also the synonym of the aforementioned expression with love in it, the art of knowing and accepting who you really are and what it meant for you. We often wonder how one can be so accepting and fabulous at the same time, and then we realize we all have that it’s just the difference of the lens from which we see the world.

The idea behind this lens is to see the beautiful and colourful world and make peace with it even if some colours are brighter than pain our eyes or the lighter one which is barely visible. Still, you know what this is the beauty of accepting the thorns when the end of the tunnel is filled with roses.

There could be a zillion of reasons to celebrate Pride month; love, joy, freedom, etc., but acceptance will be the one topping the chart today and always. Let’s take the step towards acceptance and inculcate something new in ourselves, let’s just open our thoughts and heart once and for all because this ain’t gonna stop. This is the “Hope” of a newer and better world.